The Republican constituency will always put the people of Guilford over politics. Our town has a rich history – we continue to grow our vibrant community of business owners, teachers, property owners, municipal leaders, parents and children. But we need to work together to assure Guilford's continued prosperity through smart growth, smart choices, and open government, so we can preserve and enhance our quality of life.
Ways you can Contribute
We know you’re busy. But making time to ensure we preserve the future of our state and town is important. We respect your time and make it easy to contribute in any way you can:
Participate on various RTC Committees
Campaign Work
Letters to the Editor
Talking to Friends and Neighbors
Attend and Support Coffees with Candidates
Voter Recruitment
Campaign Contributions
Attend Town Board and Commission Meetings
Help at Community Awareness Events
Get Involved
To get involved with a candidate's campaign, please contact us via the form below and we can help to get you in contact with the campaign managers. Volunteers are always needed to knock on doors, make calls, wave signs, write letters supporting our candidates, or help with other tasks.
Request a Lawn Sign

Host a Party
Are you are interested in hosting a fundraising party? It is a generous commitment and we will be there every step of the way to help.

boards and
As of August 12, 2022
Cable TV Advisory. Vacancy ALT
Conservation Commission. Vacancy ALT
Design Review Commission. Vacancy ALT
Hazard Mitigation Com. Vacancy
Human Services Vacancy
Inland Wetlands Vacancy ALT
Planning and Zoning Vacancy ALT
Safe Streets. Vacancy
Standing Building Committee Vacancy ALT
Standing Fields Com. Vacancy ALT